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In 1981, the Aroha Hockey Club and the Sturt Hockey Club amalgamated to form the Adelaide Hockey Club.

David Kennedy was elected President at the first AGM of the Adelaide Hockey Club on 30 November 1980.  With his people skills and management expertise, David guided the new club to build a sound foundation.  A ‘think tank’ weekend for committee and club leaders resulted in the establishment of a ‘four year plan’. 

Some of the major proposals developed in the plan were:

  1. To see all teams in finals by 1982

  2. To introduce sponsorship as the major source of fund-raising within the club

  3. To improve by 1983 the playing facilities so they were comparable to the best in the state

  4. To build extensions to the clubrooms in 1984, and to improve all catering facilities including the bar

The first management team of the AHC were:

  • President - David Kennedy

  • Vice Presidents - Sue Lohmeyer and Neil Douglas

  • Secretary - Pat Welke

  • Assistant Secretary - Martin Angelin

  • Treasurer - Keith Gray

  • Assistant Treasurer - Sue Sharp

  • Teams Secretary, Women - Gloria Potter

  • Teams Secretary, Men - Michael Angley

  • Chairman Social Committee - Joyce Yeomans

  • Chairman Grounds Committee - Ken Atterton

  • Players Representatives - Robyn Bell and Peter Flavell

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